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Breast Augmentation in Baton Rouge

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Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation remains one of the most popular plastic surgeries worldwide, and for women dissatisfied with their small breast size, this procedure can enhance their bustline and confidence.

Breast augmentation is a highly customizable surgical treatment performed to increase breast size while often improving symmetry and shape. This simple procedure is ideal for young and mature women who wish to increase breast fullness, whether they struggle with naturally small breasts or their breast volume has diminished after pregnancy or weight loss.

Dr. Mary “Misty” Ghere is a board-certified plastic surgeon in Baton Rouge who is dedicated to helping women achieve a newfound sense of self and increased appreciation of their bodies by delivering the breast augmentation results they desire.

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Who Is a Good Candidate for Breast Augmentation?

Generally, breast augmentation candidates should be in good overall health and want to increase their breast size for their own desires — not for anyone else.

Additionally, women who are considering breast implants should meet the following criteria:

  • Be non-smokers or willing to abstain from all nicotine products during the four weeks before and after surgery
  • Be able and willing to comply with all pre and post-operative instructions.
  • Be at a healthy and stable weight
  • Be in a good state of mind with no serious emotional issues
  • Have realistic expectations of their cosmetic surgery results
  • Be over 18 (for saline implants) or 22 (for silicone implants)

Want to learn more? Call Ghere Plastic Surgery today at (225) 412-4774.

What Are the Reasons to Undergo Breast Augmentation?

There are many reasons a woman may want to enhance their breasts, some of which include the following:

  • Having very small breasts with or without any related distress
  • Wanting larger, more prominent breasts
  • Having asymmetrical or poorly-shaped breasts
  • Experiencing a loss of breast volume due to childbirth and breastfeeding or significant weight loss
  • Wanting a subtle or dramatic size increase when undergoing a breast lift to correct sagging (ptosis)

The best way to determine your candidacy for breast implant surgery is by scheduling an in-depth consultation with Dr. Ghere. This visit allows you to discuss how you feel about your breast size and shape and have all your questions answered.

After listening carefully to your cosmetic concerns and goals and reviewing your medical history, Dr. Ghere will examine you to assess the amount of natural breast tissue you have to determine your best options.

Plastic Surgery can restore you, or transform you.

What Are My Breast Implant Options?

When undergoing breast augmentation, you have two breast implant material choices: saline or silicone.
You may also choose to augment your breasts using your own fat.

Your selection will impact the look and feel of your bustline, with the best option depending on the amount of natural breast
tissue you have and the placement option you choose.

Saline Implants

Saline breast implants consist of a silicone outer shell that is filled with a saltwater (saline) solution until they reach the appropriate/desired volume. These implants are inserted empty and filled with saline once placed in the breast pocket. Because of this, saline implants require smaller incisions and can more easily be adjusted size-wise.

Silicone Implants

Silicone implants are made entirely of silicone. The outside is a silicone outer shell, and the interior is filled with a cohesive silicone gel substance meant to mimic human tissue. Most people feel silicone implants are more realistic and comparable to natural breasts; however, because they come pre-filled, they often require larger incisions (though still only an inch or two), and their size cannot be adjusted following selection. Patients have to be at least 22 to receive silicone implants.

Augmentation Using Fat Transfer

For women who desire a subtle increase in breast fullness or are looking to increase the natural tissue to better cover an implant, fat transfer to the breast may be beneficial. This technique uses fat that has been removed from the body via liposuction to increase breast volume. Alone, fat transfer (natural breast augmentation) cannot provide the same increase in size; however, it can easily be combined with a saline or silicone implant.

How Is Breast Augmentation Surgery Done?

You must complete all pre-surgical testing and cease using aspirin, NSAIDs, and other medications or supplements that may increase bleeding for two weeks before your procedure.

Breast augmentation surgery takes approximately two hours to complete and is performed under general anesthesia.

  1. Dr. Ghere will create precise incisions, either along the inframammary creases under the breasts or around the edges of the areolas.
  2. She then creates a pocket in each breast, either under (submuscular) or over (subglandular) the pectoral muscle, which was predetermined during your consultation to achieve ideal results.
  3. The implants are inserted (and filled if saline), the breast tissue and muscle are adjusted as needed, and the incisions are methodically closed to minimize scarring.

Should I Combine Another Plastic Surgery With My Breast Augmentation?

Patients who experience breast sagging may want to combine their breast augmentation with a breast lift to create a perkier, more youthful bust. Breast enhancement patients may also benefit from liposuction surgery to reduce unwanted body fat.

A tummy tuck removes skin and tightens the abdominal muscles to significantly improve the shape of your midsection. Also known as abdominoplasty, this procedure is often combined with breast enhancement surgeries in what is known as a Mommy Makeover.

What Should I Expect During Breast Augmentation Recovery?

After your breast augmentation, you will experience some soreness, bruising, and swelling, with most patients taking at least one week off from work.

Dr. Ghere will provide aftercare instructions, including how to care for your incisions, how long to wear your compression garments, and when to resume strenuous activities. Swelling and bruising will subside considerably after two weeks, but mild swelling may persist for a few months.

What Will My Breast Augmentation Results Be Like?

Initially, your implants may seem higher on your chest, but they will gradually settle into place as your body recovers and adjusts to your new breast size.

You should be able to fully appreciate your results within two to four months.

beautiful woman in champaign colored dress

Frequently Asked Questions About Breast Augmentation

  • Are saline or silicone breast implants better?

    Both types of implants have their advantages and disadvantages. While silicone implants are often more realistic-looking, saline implants are considered lower risk — since your body absorbs saline should a rupture or leak occur.

    Saline implants do not require periodic MRI imaging because ruptures become obvious as the implant deflates. Silicone implant ruptures can be difficult to detect and do require these screenings.

    Dr. Ghere will be happy to review the benefits and drawbacks of both kinds of implants during your consultation to help you make an informed decision.

  • How do I choose the right size breast implants?

    During your consultation, Dr. Ghere will note all the details regarding your desired breast size and shape while considering other factors, such as your natural breast size, skin elasticity, and body frame, before making her recommendation.

    It’s essential to listen to your doctor’s advice, as going with breast implants that are too large can leave you looking disproportionate. Dr. Ghere has done this procedure hundreds of times, and she knows which implants will best suit your body.

  • Will my breasts sag over time?

    Breast implants behave similarly to regular breasts. As a result, aging will naturally cause some sagging over time. However, women with breast implants tend to have perkier breasts for longer than women who have not had the procedure.

  • How long will my breast augmentation procedure take?

    The procedure typically takes between one to two hours. You will be released after a brief monitoring period. All patients must have someone drive them home and are asked to have in-home care for the first 24 hours.

  • What are the possible risks of breast implant surgery?

    Breast augmentation is a relatively safe procedure performed thousands of times nationwide daily. Still, all surgeries pose some level of risk.

    Some of the risks associated with breast implant surgery are:

    • Capsular contracture
    • Bleeding
    • Infection
    • Changes in nipple sensitivity
    • Implant rupture

    Any complications associated with the breast implants can be remedied with secondary breast surgery (breast revision).

  • Do breast implants cause breast cancer?

    Multiple studies have proven that there is no connection between today’s breast implants and breast cancer. However, patients should know that breast implants may make it more challenging for regular mammograms to catch signs of cancer. Patients will always need to let their doctor know they have implants and only go to a technician that has taken breast implant mammograms before. The solution is simple — they just need to take more photos at different angles.

  • Should I wait to have breast augmentation until after I’m done having children?

    Pregnancy always changes women’s breasts, whether they have implants or not.

    If you know you plan to have children soon, you might want to hold off on your breast augmentation. The body changes during pregnancy and breastfeeding may alter the cosmetic results of your breast augmentation procedure.

  • Can I breastfeed after getting implants?

    Most women who undergo breast augmentation can successfully breastfeed without issue but be sure to speak to Dr. Ghere about this concern. As mentioned above, if you plan to become pregnant in the near future, you may want to postpone breast augmentation surgery.

  • Will breast implants work for me if I have sagging breasts?

    Women with sagging breasts can still get implants, but breast augmentation alone won’t make your breasts perkier. If sagging is an issue, consider combining breast augmentation with a breast lift.

Get in touch with Ghere Plastic Surgery for your breast enhancement.

Request a Consultation

Interested in Breast Augmentation Surgery in Baton Rouge, LA?

Your health and safety are major priorities at our Baton Rouge plastic surgery practice. Dr. Ghere has worked diligently to master safe breast augmentation techniques with desirable results to help women feel more feminine and confident for many years to come.

Dr. Ghere is committed to providing women who want breast augmentation in the Baton Rouge and East Baton Rouge Parish areas with the aesthetic outcomes they deserve and invites you to call (225) 412-4774 with any questions and to schedule your consultation.

Dr. Ghere also offers breast revision surgery for patients unhappy with their previous breast augmentation results.

Get In Touch

A little can go a long way, and it is never too late to make a change.

Mary Ghere, MD

Weiler Plastic Surgery

4212 Bluebonnet Blvd., Suite A
Baton Rouge, LA 70809

Phone: 225-399-0001

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