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Mommy Makeover

in Baton Rouge, LA

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There is nothing like the joy of becoming a mother: the bond you have with your child along with the snuggles and giggles and pride in watching them grow. However, childbearing can combat the changes that persist after pregnancy. Many women notice these changes in their body post-pregnancy, and while some women are able to lose their baby weight effortlessly, others struggle with the weight for years.

However, one constant in nearly all women is that they never truly regain their pre-pregnancy contours, despite months or even years of exercise and diet. This is where plastic surgery can help you achieve the physique you’ve been missing.

A Mommy Makeover is a combination of surgical procedures that is customizable to help your body regain its pre-pregnancy shape or contours. The Mommy Makeover procedure targets the areas that experience the greatest toll during and after your pregnancy. With this surgery, you will be able to reverse the effects of childbearing so you can feel more like yourself.


Plastic surgery can restore you, or transform you.

What Are the Benefits of a Mommy Makeover?

Many women turn to the Mommy Makeover because they are not ready or willing to sacrifice their youthful, womanly curves, even though they are proud to be mothers. This combination procedure allows women to:

  • Rectify sagging breasts
  • “Fill” deflated breasts
  • Correct abdominal laxity
  • Repair stretched or torn abdominal muscles
  • Lessen stubborn fatty pockets
  • Regain self-confidence in her womanly figure

At your consultation, you will be able to share your aesthetic goals and desires with Dr. Ghere so that she can develop a surgical plan for your Mommy Makeover.

What Does a Mommy Makeover Entail?

The Mommy Makeover procedure typically targets the areas of the body most directly affected by pregnancy and childbirth, including the abdomen, breasts, and any other area with loose skin or unresponsive fat deposits. Because it combines many surgical techniques, Mommy Makeover surgery is generally performed under general anesthesia so that you will not feel pain or experience any discomfort during your procedure.

A Mommy Makeover combines two or more of the following:

Breast Augmentation and/or Lift

Pregnancy and breastfeeding can result in loss of breast volume and tissue elasticity. This creates the look of saggy, deflated breasts. Breast enhancement is accomplished through breast augmentation, breast lift surgery, or a combination of both. 

Breast augmentation aims at restoring breast volume and shape with the use of breast implants (either saline or silicone). Breast lift surgery (also known as mastopexy) lifts and tightens the breast tissue to restore youthful, perky breasts. 

Depending on your needs, a combination of these procedures can be used to create a beautiful post-pregnancy breast appearance that makes you look and feel more youthful than you have in years.

For breast surgery, Dr. Ghere will make incisions in your breasts. The size and placement of the incision is dependent on the type of correction you are having. Once the incisions are made, the implants will be placed (for breast augmentation) or the breast tissue is removed and/or repositioned (for breast lift). 

Tummy Tuck

Also known as abdominoplasty, tummy tuck surgery removes loose skin, repairs the abdominal muscles that may have separated during pregnancy, and removes any excess fat. 

Understandably, the abdomen is the most affected part of the body following pregnancy and may be the hardest to get back to shape through natural means. That is why an abdominoplasty is so useful for returning your pre-baby body.

With a tummy tuck, Dr. Ghere will make an incision just above your pubic area that stretches from one hip to the other. Liposuction may be used to remove any fat in the area. Next, your abdominal muscles are tightened with internal sutures, and excess skin is removed. Your remaining skin is tightened, and then the incisions are closed.


The liposuction procedure removes fat from problematic areas, such as the belly, thighs, buttocks, hips, and back. Liposuction works best after a successful weight-loss plan to sculpt and highlight contours further. With this procedure, subcutaneous fat is suctioned out of your body.

For liposuction surgery, small incisions are made in the treatment area. A cannula (a thin tube) is inserted through these incisions to break apart and loosen the fat. This fat is then vacuumed out of your body through the cannula.

What Can I Expect After My Mommy Makeover?

After your procedure, you will experience swelling as well as tightness and some soreness in the surgical areas. This is to be expected and will dissipate within a week or two. Additionally, any discomfort you feel can be alleviated by medication; however, if pain persists or increases, please contact Dr. Ghere immediately.

During your Mommy Makeover recovery, you will need to allow your body the rest it requires.

Cosmetic surgery is nothing more than intentional injury to your body, so it is important that your body is able to heal itself. This means that you should refrain from any strenuous activities, including exercise (though short, slow walks are helpful to increase blood circulation in your body).

Additionally, you will likely be given compression garments and/or a surgical bra to wear. These garments help minimize swelling to allow you to recover quicker. Once you are cleared to do so by Dr. Ghere, you will be able to return to your daily activities.

After your swelling dissipates and you are able to return to your normal activities, you will see a more youthful and contoured version of yourself.

Frequently Asked Questions About the Mommy Makeover

  • Am I a candidate for a Mommy Makeover in Louisiana?

    If you have tried all you can to regain your pre-baby body but still have stubborn pockets of fat, loose skin, and sagging breasts, you may be a good candidate for the procedure.

    While a Mommy Makeover is not a substitute for weight loss or a healthy lifestyle, it does help to contour the body after having children.

    Mommy Makeovers are not just for mothers. Women who are experiencing breast and body laxity following significant weight loss also qualify for these procedures.

  • Will I need to combine breast augmentation and a breast lift during my Mommy Makeover?

    If your breasts have lost volume and are sagging, both procedures are recommended. The two procedures are combined to offer the most satisfying results.

  • Why should I combine body and breast enhancement procedures into a Mommy Makeover?

    Since pregnancy affects different parts of the body, it is essential to address all these issues with a customized set of procedures. By combining procedures, women are able to achieve dramatic results while only experiencing one surgery and recovery process. As a bonus, combining procedures is often more cost-effective than having these procedures performed at separate times.

  • When is the best time for my Mommy Makeover?

    It is best to wait until you are sure that you will not get pregnant again before undergoing a Mommy Makeover. Pregnancy after the procedure negates the results, meaning you may have to undergo another procedure to restore a firm and youthful figure.

  • What can I expect during my Mommy Makeover recovery?

    You may experience some form of bruising and swelling that may take a few weeks to subside. It is essential to rest for a few days and make arrangements for someone to drive you back home and help with child care, especially if you have younger children. Patients can return to most activities within two to four weeks.

  • When will I see my Mommy Makeover results?

    You will start to notice a more youthful body with more attractive contours as the bruising and swelling subside. The scars will also fade gradually. It is best to maintain a healthy lifestyle with a proper diet and exercise to enjoy the restoration of your pre-baby body for many years to come.

  • How much will my Mommy Makeover cost in Louisiana?

    Like any cosmetic surgery, the cost of a Mommy Makeover procedure varies with each individual patient and is dependent on several factors, including the types of procedures being performed and the extent of correction needed. At your consultation, you will be given a cost estimate for your procedure.

Have additional questions about Mommy Makeover?

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Interested in Learning More?

If you have questions about a Mommy Makeover in Baton Rouge, schedule a consultation with Dr. Ghere. Contact us at 225-412-4774 or fill our online form to get started.

Get In Touch

A little can go a long way, and it is never too late to make a change.

Mary Ghere, MD

Weiler Plastic Surgery

4212 Bluebonnet Blvd., Suite A
Baton Rouge, LA 70809

Phone: 225-399-0001

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