Posted March 07, 2019 in Breast Surgery
Women’s bodies experience many changes as they age, especially to their breasts. While some women find that their breasts are starting to lose volume or firmness, others may begin to notice excess fat and skin developing as a result of certain lifestyle factors, such as pregnancy, breastfeeding, or weight loss. Many women will also notice that their breasts not only lack volume and shape, but they appear unbalanced as well.
Breast asymmetry is a common issue that affects many women. For some, having this issue can cause them to feel self-conscious and unsatisfied with their figure. Fortunately, Dr. Ghere may have options for you that can improve your breast symmetry.

What Is Breast Asymmetry?
Breast asymmetry is not uncommon; in fact, the vast majority of patients experience some degree of it. Breast asymmetry is typically caused by changes in the size, shape, and position of their breasts, especially during puberty and pregnancy. Some women will only see a slight difference in their breast shape and nipple position that is unnoticeable to others. In other women, one breast may appear noticeably larger or smaller than the other. Asymmetrical breasts can also have a negative and emotional impact on many women, as they find it difficult to find clothing that fits properly. If you feel your asymmetry is easily noticed, breast augmentation can be performed in one or both breasts to even out your overall frame and boost your confidence. Asymmetries in nipple areola positions may be addressed with a breast lift.
How Can I Treat It?
Breast augmentation is a surgical procedure that can enhance the size and shape of a woman’s bust using saline or silicone breast implants. This procedure can also adjust the placement and size of your implants to improve your overall figure and provide you with aesthetically pleasing breasts. During your procedure, an incision will be made and an implant will be inserted into one or both breasts, either above or below the pectoral muscles. Once the implant(s) have been positioned, this will even out your breasts to create a more balanced appearance.
If you struggle with excess fat and skin on your breasts and wish to enhance your surgical results, you may choose to combine your breast augmentation with a breast lift surgery. Breast augmentation will not only ease your stress and correct asymmetry, but it can also give you the breasts you have always desired, making you feel beautiful and comfortable with your body.
To learn more about breast augmentation, please contact Dr. Ghere at (225) 412-4774 or schedule a consultation with us online today!