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How Can I Improve My Body Contours With Liposuction?

Posted August 25, 2020 in Liposuction

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Have you been following a healthy diet and exercise routine but still have fat that stubbornly clings to some parts of your body?

Woman with slim body contours and lines drawn on curves for a plastic surgery concept.

Liposuction can help you eliminate excess fat on different “trouble spots” or “zones,” resulting in more defined contours and a generally more appealing look.

Who Can Get Liposuction?

While liposuction is not a weight-loss solution, it helps eliminate stubborn fatty deposits and improve body contours that would otherwise not be achievable through dieting and exercise alone. Both men and women can benefit from liposuction, especially when addressing specific concerns. 

What Can Liposuction Correct?

Flabby Arms

Fat on the upper part of the arms is unsightly, jiggles, and can make some self-conscious to the point of not wearing sleeveless clothes. Liposuction can get rid of the excess fat, leaving you with slimmer, well-contoured arms. While liposuction of the arms cannot increase the arms’ muscles, it can help define their musculature by eliminating some of the excess flab. 

Liposuction of the arms is commonly combined with arm lift surgery when there is excess skin present.

Double Chin

Excess submental fat (double chin) changes the shape of the face and makes you appear heavier than you are. Liposuction on the neck results in a thinner face and a more pronounced neck and jawline, improving your general appearance.

Abdominal Pooches

Getting rid of abdominal fat is no walk in the park, and it can get even harder to get rid of belly fat after childbirth. Liposuction will remove the stubborn fat and leave you with a flatter and more shapely waistline. The process can consequently be used to get rid of fat on the sides of the belly, back, and bra line.

Liposuction of the midsection is commonly combined with tummy tuck surgery to eliminate excess skin and repair loose abdominal muscles.

Full Thighs, Hips, and Buttocks

Fat in these areas can lead to the loss of body shape, which can make exercising or finding properly fitting clothing difficult. Liposuction can target excess fat deposits in all of these areas to sculpt your physique.

How Does Liposuction Work?

Liposuction is an outpatient procedure carried out under general anesthesia. It’s performed with the use of a tube called a cannula, which suctions out unwanted fat. Following the procedure, it is important to follow your surgeon’s instructions to recover comfortably and maintain your liposuction results.

You may experience some swelling, discomfort, and bruising after the procedure, but this typically goes away within a week, after which the results are noticeable. 

Liposuction is a permanent way of dealing with stubborn fat, but it is essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle, including a regular exercise routine and a healthy diet.

Occasionally, liposuction can be performed in our office with oral sedation and local anesthesia. 

Does Liposuction Tighten Skin?

Liposuction is extremely successful at removing loose pockets of fat; however, it does not remove loose skin. Therefore, patients with skin laxity often choose to combine their liposuction with another body contouring surgery. Alternatively, patients with mild to moderate laxity may be able to benefit from BodyTite®, a non-surgical, minimally invasive radiofrequency skin tightening treatment.

Interested in Learning More?

If you are looking for a board-certified plastic surgeon with adequate experience to provide customized solutions to meet your body contouring goals, contact Dr. Ghere. Fill out our online form or contact us at 225-412-4774 to schedule a consultation.

Get In Touch

A little can go a long way, and it is never too late to make a change.

Mary Ghere, MD

Weiler Plastic Surgery

4212 Bluebonnet Blvd., Suite A
Baton Rouge, LA 70809

Phone: 225-399-0001

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