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Is It Normal for My Breast Implants to Be Hard After Breast Augmentation?

Posted July 01, 2021 in Breast Augmentation, Breast Implants

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Following the insertion of your breast implants, it is very normal for the breasts to feel firm and tight. Your breasts will feel hard to the touch and will likely sit higher on the chest, which can be uncomfortable for some patients — especially if you are unsure of the cause.

It can take several weeks for the new implants to soften and settle into their proper location, looking and feeling more like your natural breast tissue. 

Close-up of woman wearing red bra shown through an open white shirt.

Breast implants do not settle over night. It takes time for this process to occur.

It is always recommended to be patient with your result and ensure you follow all the post-operative instructions provided by Dr. Ghere.

What to Expect as Your Breast Implant Settles

In the weeks after your breast augmentation, your implants will progressively improve in softness and location. The breast tissue will soften as swelling diminishes, and the implants will drop into the desired position as the breast pocket created during surgery stretches and expands.

It is also common for one breast to soften faster than the other. The entire fluff process can take anywhere between eight weeks to six months. 

Only after this time will you be able to accurately determine your breast size and get a more accurate fit when shopping for new bras.

In some cases, the breasts may feel hard to the touch for longer than six months, or the implant may feel squeezed or tight, causing an incessant dull ache. This can happen months or years after your breast augmentation and may be a sign of capsular contracture, which is a complication caused by excessive or hardening scar tissue.

Ultimately, if it takes longer than usual for the implants to soften and drop into the desired position, make sure you see your plastic surgeon. In some cases, additional surgery, such as breast revision, may be required to relocate the implants on the chest wall.

Expediting the Softening Process

Patients are encouraged to allow their bodies to heal naturally, but in some cases, Dr. Ghere may recommend daily breast massages to help the breast settle quickly and feel more comfortable. Only the recommended massage techniques should be used to avoid causing problems during healing.

Also, it is crucial to wear your compression garment/support bra as directed by your surgeon to further encourage the breasts to settle into the correct position as the body begins the healing process.

Schedule a Breast Augmentation Consultation

Choosing a qualified plastic surgeon with vast experience in the field of breast surgery will increase your chance of a successful surgery that delivers beautiful outcomes. 

Contact Dr. Ghere at 225-412-4774 or fill our online form to schedule a consultation, and we will provide more information on what to expect during your breast augmentation recovery process. 

Every person is different, so it helps to talk to an experienced surgeon.

Get In Touch

A little can go a long way, and it is never too late to make a change.

Mary Ghere, MD

Weiler Plastic Surgery

4212 Bluebonnet Blvd., Suite A
Baton Rouge, LA 70809

Phone: 225-399-0001

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